Friday, May 25, 2007


Who are we ?

You, must know who the contributors are. Here's a post on Sam :

Sameer is -

- a tech freak
- music freak
- a decent programmer/scripter (c/c++, a bit of vb/rb, js, basic php)
- pathetic at basic electronics
- a computer lover
- a guy who is against hair-cutting
- extremely lazy (proved by the frequency of new posts on his blog)
- a CS gamer by the name of syph0n

These days, Sameer is -

- teaching himself the bass guitar
- solving challenges on Net-Force, this is his profile
- trying to fix his old 3rd gen iPod because his new one got flicked by his sister
- trying to fix his laptop which is quite old and suffers from a lot of damage
- preparing for yet another Basic Electronics re-exam
- pondering whether to learn advanced c/c++ programming or switch to another language
- generally bored
- wondering whether he will ever have a career

[ An extremely ragged Sam at the Iron Maiden Eddfest, tanned due to the sun and tired due to the force of 40000 people ]

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